2. Challenges and Mission

FLIIST addresses a wide range of issues related to current content consumption habits and the mass adoption of cryptocurrency.


The Web2 era of the early 2000s focused on user-generated content and changed media consumption patterns forever. Millions of people could share their information with the world without complicated technology or software.

Over time, there has been more and more content and different ways to consume it, leading to creators’ efforts becoming devalued. Promoted and uninteresting content came to the forefront while common sense and artistic taste fell to algorithms forcing targeted actions.

The mechanics of content monetization became less and less fair: Creators began to depend not on their audience’s interest but on the requirements of platforms.

The creator of the term Web3, Jason Calacanis, pointed out the need to change this: Web3: brings back the best of what media and technology were before Web2: expertise, fairness and respect for the position of others.

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